Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • Names, degrees, biostatement, institutional affiliations and email addresses of all authors is provided.

  • Full mailing address, telephone number, and email address of the corresponding author are identified

  • A structured abstract with keywords is provided using the headings:  Aim; Methods; Results; Conclusion and Implications.

  • Acknowledgement of all financial support received for the study.

  • Tables and figures showing n-sizes, values of all test statistics, degrees of freedom, and exact p-values (as appropriate).

  • Full and correct list of references; where available, URLs and DOIs for the references have been provided.

Authors are requested to pay particular attention to the guidelines and to make their submissions complete with all the required information. Manuscripts that are incomplete in any section will be returned to the authors.

Submission of papers

Disability, CBR and Inclusive Development welcomes article submissions and does not charge a submission or publication fee. Disability, CBR and Inclusive Development uses an online submission system. Authors using the system for the first time must register as a new author by clicking the Register link. Once registered and logged in, authors may make a submission by clicking the ‘Submit Manuscript’ heading and follow the instructions. Authors who have previously submitted articles to Disability, CBR and Inclusive Development will not need to register again, and can use their existing username and password to log in as an author. All correspondence between editors and authors is carried out by email. Hardcopy manuscripts are not required.

Subject themes

Disability, CBR and Inclusive Development focuses on the following themes, with emphasis on perspectives from developing countries:

  • Community-based rehabilitation
  • Inclusive education
  • Women with disabilities
  • Children with disabilities
  • Inclusive development
  • Human rights and self-advocacy
  • Role of Disabled Persons’ Organisations (DPOs)
  • Policy and legislation related to disability issues
  • Health-related rehabilitation and outcomes - perspectives from developing countries
  • Assistive Technology - perspectives from developing countries
  • Accessibility (including inclusive design)
  • Disability and HIV/AIDS/reproductive health, SRHR
  • Disability and conflict
  • Disability and emergencies
  • Intersectionality
  • Mental Health

Journal sections

Articles are published under the following sections:

  • Peer-reviewed original research articles (empirical or theoretical), up to 4,000 words excluding abstract, tables, and references.
  • Peer-reviewed in-depth reviews, upto 5000 words excluding abstract, tables, and references.
  • Peer-reviewed brief reports, 2,000 to 2,500 words excluding abstract, tables, and references.
  • Case studies, 1500 to 2000 words inclusive
  • Experiential, first person accounts, 2,000 to 2,500 words inclusive.
  • Letters to the editor, 1,000 to 1,500 words inclusive.

Conditions for submission

Articles submitted for consideration will be considered on the understanding that:

  • It contains original, unpublished material that has not been previously published as a whole or a substantial part elsewhere (publication of conference abstracts or research published as a thesis do not count as previous publications)
  • The manuscript is not under consideration for publication elsewhere
  • Any research on which the article is based has been subjected to an appropriate ethics review : a statement that the study has received ethics clearance will be required in the manuscript. An exception would be operational research for which no separate ethical clearance is required. A statement to this effect should be submitted along the manuscript.
  • The publication has been approved by all authors and tacitly or explicitly by the responsible authorities where the work was carried out. The corresponding author will be required to sign a statement to this effect on behalf of all authors.
  • If accepted, the paper will not be published elsewhere using the DCID journal format without the written consent of the Publisher.

Manuscript preparation

General: We accept MSWord files (Word 2003 or 2007 format). Submissions should be double-spaced in 10 to 12-point font with all track changes and field codes removed (e.g. Table cross references or bibliography software codes). Continuous line numbering should be turned on to facilitate referencing of reviewer comments. The editors reserve the right to modify formats to achieve consistency.

Title Page: This page should consist of the complete title of the manuscript and a running title not to exceed 50 characters including spaces. No author information should be provided.

Abstract and Key Words: An abstract of no more than 300 words must be included with the submission. Empirical papers should use a structured abstract (Aim, Methods, Results, Conclusions and Limitations). Up to six key words that do not appear in the title should be provided at the end of the abstract.

Author information: This information is entered into the online editorial system during article submission and, for purposes of blind review, should not be included in the manuscript itself.

Text: The main body of the manuscript should be structured as follows: abstract, main text, acknowledgements, references, appendix, tables and figures. Authors are encouraged to use section headers to improve the readability of their manuscript. The content matter must be written in a manner which is easy to understand, and should be restricted to the topic being presented.

Original Research reports: Authors are requested to use the standard format of an Introduction, Aim/objectives, Methods (setting for the study, the study design, the  tools /measures used, sampling (including method of subject selection) and sample size, data collection procedures, data management and analysis and ethical considerations (ethical approval, informed consent procedure, use of incentives, etc.), Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Implications and Limitations.

In reporting statistical results ensure that n-sizes are appropriately identified, 95% confidence intervals (or standard deviations) are presented for all means, and the type of statistical test used to obtain a particular p-value is mentioned in the text and in tables, where appropriate. Actual probability levels should be cited for all probabilities > .001.

Authors must indicate that the study received ethics clearance and specify the review board or committee that provided this. An exception would be operational research for which no separate ethical clearance is required. A statement to this effect should be submitted along the manuscript.

Reviews: Reviews must specify whether the review is a conventional narrative review, a systematic review, or a meta-analysis. In every case, authors must clearly state the research question guiding the review, the period for the review, the databases reviewed, the search strategy employed, and the criteria used to include and exclude studies from the review. In reviews where quality assessments are made, details of this procedure are also required. Statistics used to support meta-analyses must be clearly explained and referenced.

Experiential, first person accounts  or case studies in the third person describing lived experiences are meant to share  the unique nature of the lived experience. We encourage first person accounts and case studies with significant qualitative data that may be used to assist researchers or others to develop new measurements or intervention approaches.

Acronyms: When an acronym is first used in the text, write the full version with the acronym in brackets, e.g., community-based rehabilitation (CBR). Subsequently, the acronym can be used throughout the text.

Terminology: Avoid terms like “the disabled” or “patient”. Use ‘Persons with disabilities’ or ‘persons with...’ e.g., persons with cerebro-vascular accident, or persons affected by leprosy.
The acronym PWD should be avoided.

Language and grammarDisability, CBR and Inclusive Development uses (UK) English as publishing language. Please carry out a spell check using English (UK) before submission of the manuscript. For articles from non-English speaking countries, the editorial team will assist with language and grammar corrections.

Acknowledgments: Acknowledgements should be placed as the last element of the text before the references.
This section should be brief, and include the names of sources of logistical or other support. For grants, include the grant number and the full name of the granting agency.

References should be cited according to the APA style (See online web resources).

In citing other work only references consulted in the original should be included.

Abstracts, personal communications and unpublished work may not be used as references, although references to written or oral communication (reports, etc) should be cited in a footnote or in brackets in the text. Papers accepted but not yet published  in other journals may be included in the references, by mentioning the Journal’s name and adding “In Press” in brackets. Reference to manuscripts not accepted for publication must be made only in the text, in brackets (‘[Author name], submitted’ or ‘[Author name], in preparation’).

References should be identified in the text, tables and legends by the names of the authors, followed by the year in brackets. The full list of references at the end of the paper should be in alphabetical order; and should include names and initials of all authors.

References to books should give the book title, year, place of publication and publisher; those with multiple authorship should also include the chapter title, first and last page numbers, and names and initials of editors.


Journal article Cornielje, H., Velema, J. P., & Finkenflügel, H. (2008). Community based rehabilitation programmes: Monitoring and evaluation in order to measure results. Leprosy Review79(1), 36–49.

Book - Pandey, R.S., & Advani, L. (1995). Perspectives in disability and rehabilitation. New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Private Ltd.

Chapter in a book  - Heinicke-Motsch,  K. (2010). CBR matrix - A framework for disability inclusive development. In Thomas, M., Ninomiya, A., & Eizawa, E. (Eds). CBR and Inclusive Development in Asia and the Pacific (pp. 34-44). Bangkok, Thailand: Asia Pacific Development Centre on Disability.

Web references: The full URL should be given. Any further information, if known (such as author names, dates, etc.) should also be given. Indicate the date when the web material was accessed.

Please ensure that all references are complete in all details and correspond to the names/numbers cited in the text. Do not include references that are not cited in the text.

Figures and Tables: Tables and Figures should be numbered consecutively and given a suitable title/legend. This should contain sufficient information enabling readers to understand the figure or table without having to read the text (e.g. name of the study, type of subjects included, place where the study was conducted, kind of data shown in the figure or table). Footnotes to tables should be typed below the table. Tables should not duplicate results presented in the text. Be sure to indicate sample and group sizes and measurement units clearly in each table. Abbreviate measurements according to the standard, internationally accepted style. Provide initial definition of unusual abbreviations. Data in tables should not contain more decimal places that necessary. In general, if the number is two integers or bigger, one decimal place is sufficient (e.g. 25.2), if one or less, two decimal places is usually enough (e.g. 1.35 or 0.75).

Figures accepted for publication must be clear, uncluttered, and two-dimensional. Jpeg, TIFF or Windows Enhanced Metafile are the preferred formats. All tables and figures reproduced from a previously published manuscript must cite the original source (in the figure legend or table footnote) and, unless the copyright remained with the author, they should be accompanied by a letter of permission from the publisher of record or the copyright owner.

Conflict of Interest Policy: Disability, CBR and Inclusive Development requires authors to declare any competing financial or other interest in relation to their work. All competing interests that are declared will be listed at the end of published articles. Where an author gives no competing interests, the listing will read 'The author(s) declare that they have no competing interests' .

Data Disclosure Policy: Authors of original scientific research agree to submit original study protocol and to release underlying data to editors or reviewers upon request.

Final Proofs for approval: Final proofs will be sent to the corresponding author in PDF format. Corrections should be restricted to typesetting errors and other small revisions. Any queries posed by the editorial staff should be answered in full. All corrections must be returned to the editorial staff in a single email by the deadline required. We reserve the right to proceed with the publication of your article if no response is received by the due date.

Supplementary DataDisability, CBR and Inclusive Development accepts supplementary data to support or enhance your research. If accepted, supplementary files, such as more detailed tables or results of auxiliary analyses, will be published online and linked to the electronic version of your article.