The Human Resources Challenge to Community Based Rehabilitation: The Need for a Scientific, Systematic and Coordinated Global Response


  • Hasheem Mannan Centre for Global Health and School of Psychology, Trinity College, Dublin
  • Malcolm MacLachlan Centre for Global Health and School of Psychology, Trinity College, Dublin, IE; Centre for Rehabilitation Studies, Stellenbosch University
  • Eilish McAuliffe Centre for Global Health, Trinity College



Human resources, community based rehabilitation, disability


The World Report on Disability highlights some of the major challenges in the path to realisation of the rights of persons with disabilities as per the United Nations Convention. While the recently published guidelines on Community Based Rehabilitation show the way to address these challenges, effective implementation would require not only higher levels of investment in human resources, but also a significantly newer and different skill-set for the additional personnel. The authors suggest that a scientifically sophisticated, systematic and coordinated research programme, with global reach and participation, is needed for the establishment of a useful and robust evidence-base for Community Based Rehabilitation interventions. It is also suggested that the development of a new cadre of rehabilitation workers could be a key component of the programme, and could help to alleviate the extant crisis in human resources for health in many low-income countries.

Author Biographies

Hasheem Mannan, Centre for Global Health and School of Psychology, Trinity College, Dublin

Hasheem Mannan, PhD, is Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Global Health and School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Malcolm MacLachlan, Centre for Global Health and School of Psychology, Trinity College, Dublin, IE; Centre for Rehabilitation Studies, Stellenbosch University

Malcolm MacLachlan, PhD, is Professor at the Centre for Global Health and School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland and Extraordinary Professor at the Centre for Rehabilitation Studies, Stellenbosch University, South Africa

Eilish McAuliffe, Centre for Global Health, Trinity College

Eilish McAuliffe, PhD, is Associate Professor at the School of Medicine and Director of Centre for Global Health, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland




How to Cite

Mannan H, MacLachlan M, McAuliffe E. The Human Resources Challenge to Community Based Rehabilitation: The Need for a Scientific, Systematic and Coordinated Global Response. DCIDJ [Internet]. 2013 Feb. 5 [cited 2024 Sep. 10];23(4):6-16. Available from:


