Predictors of quality of life of persons with physical disabilities in Indonesia

Lukman Hilfi (1), Chiho Yamazaki (2), Deni Kurniadi Sunjaya (3), Ardini Saptaningsih Raksanagara (4), Sekar Ayu Paramita (5), Nur Atik (6), Mitsuo Uchida (7), Hiroshi Koyama (8), Kei Hamazaki (9)
(1) Faculty of medicine of Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia,
(2) Graduate School of Medicine, Gunma University, Japan,
(3) Medical Faculty of Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia,
(4) Medical Faculty of Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia,
(5) Graduate School of Medicine, Gunma University, Japan,
(6) Medical Faculty of Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia,
(7) Graduate School of Medicine, Gunma University, Japan,
(8) Graduate School of Medicine, Gunma University, Japan,
(9) Graduate School of Medicine, Gunma University, Japan


Purpose: Indonesia lacks policies and programs to implement laws aimed at reducing the barriers that hinder the improvement of quality of life (QOL) in persons with disabilities. This study analyzed people’s attitude barriers, levels of disability, and QOL and its predictors in persons with physical disabilities.
Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 202 participants with physical disabilities completed the attitude subscale of Craig Hospital Inventory of Environmental Factors-Short Form (CHIEF-SF), the World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 (WHODAS 2.0), and the World Health Organisation Quality of Life (WHOQOL-BREF). The Rasch model converted the ordinal data to the interval logits scale. Multiple linear regression was used to analyze QOL predictors.
Results: Participants reported a mean WHOQOL-BREF score of 0.12+0.98 (poor QOL). Participants with poor QOL perceived people’s attitudes as impactful barriers (-1.68 ± 1.44). There was a significant difference in participants’ mean WHODAS 2.0 score with poor (-0.38 ± 1.06) and good QOL (-1.79 ± 0.77). The regression revealed the following significant QOL predictors: employment (B = 0.512), disability levels (B = −0.409), attitude barrier (B = −0.090), and age (B = −0.014).
Conclusions: Persons with physical disabilities reported poor QOL. Higher disability levels, unemployment, perceived impactful attitude barrier, and older age are predictors of lower QOL of persons with physical disabilities.

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Lukman Hilfi (Primary Contact)
Chiho Yamazaki
Deni Kurniadi Sunjaya
Ardini Saptaningsih Raksanagara
Sekar Ayu Paramita
Nur Atik
Mitsuo Uchida
Hiroshi Koyama
Kei Hamazaki
Hilfi L, Yamazaki C, Sunjaya DK, Raksanagara AS, Paramita SA, Atik N, Uchida M, Koyama H, Hamazaki K. Predictors of quality of life of persons with physical disabilities in Indonesia . DCIDJ [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 29 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];34(3):62-85. Available from:

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