Training in Qualitative Research Methods for Professionals working with Persons with Disabilities

Richard Rose (1), Himangshu Das (2), Jayanthi Narayan (3), Johnson Jament (4)
(1) University of Northampton, UK, United Kingdom,
(2) National Institute for the Empowerment of Persons with Multiple Disabilities, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, India,
(3) Faculty of Health, Education & Society, University of Northampton, UK, India,
(4) Faculty of Health, Education & Society at University of Northampton, UK, United Kingdom


Purpose:  The study aimed to investigate the impact of intensive in-service training in qualitative research methods on the research competencies of a cohort of rehabilitation professionals.

Method: A series of three-day workshops was held on professional development in the promotion and utilisation of qualitative research in the field of disability and rehabilitation. It was organised at five centres across India for professionals working in that field. Data was collected through a survey of workshop participants, to ascertain the impact and efficacy of the training provided.

Results: The results suggest that practitioners working in the area of disability and rehabilitation see considerable value in the application of qualitative research and are enthusiastic about its potential to improve the lives of those with whom they work. They believe that such an approach will provide useful data and increased knowledge in respect of the lives of individuals with disabilities and those interventions that provide them with greatest benefits. The survey revealed that the knowledge of qualitative research methods was limited even among professionals who had studied for research degrees.

Conclusion: There is the need for more intensive training in qualitative methods in order to enhance the quality of research in disability and rehabilitation in India, and to assist in improving the lives of individuals with disabilities, their families, carers and those who work with them.

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Richard Rose (Primary Contact)
Himangshu Das
Jayanthi Narayan
Johnson Jament
Author Biographies

Richard Rose, University of Northampton, UK

Richard Rose is Professor Emeritus in the Faculty of Health, Education & Society, University of Northampton, UK. He was Principal Investigator on Project IRIS, a longitudinal study over four years of special education provision in the Republic of Ireland and has conducted research for NGOs including UNICEF and Sightsavers and for Government agencies and research boards in many parts of the world.

Himangshu Das, National Institute for the Empowerment of Persons with Multiple Disabilities, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment

Dr. Das is the Director, National Institute for the Empowerment of Persons with Multiple Disabilities, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Government of India

Jayanthi Narayan, Faculty of Health, Education & Society, University of Northampton, UK

Prof. Narayan is a Visiting Professor of Inclusive Education at Faculty of Health, Education & Society of University of Northampton, UK. She has conducted research and undertook various consultancies on disability and inclusion in several Asian countries.

Johnson Jament, Faculty of Health, Education & Society at University of Northampton, UK

Dr. Jament is an Associate Tutor at Faculty of Health, Education & Society at University of Northampton, UK. His research includes work in coastal fishing communities in India and children with ADHD.
Rose R, Das H, Narayan J, Jament J. Training in Qualitative Research Methods for Professionals working with Persons with Disabilities. DCIDJ [Internet]. 2021 May 6 [cited 2025 Mar. 15];32(1):130-49. Available from:

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