Multidisciplinary Management of Knee Osteoarthritis using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health

Shankar Ganesh (1), Patitapaban Mohanty (2), Sakti Das (3), Rishee Patel (4), Ram Naresh Pandey (5), Ananya Satapathy (6)
(1) Swami Vivekanand National Institute of Rehabilitation Training and Research (SVNIRTAR), Odisha, India,
(2) SVNIRTAR, Odisha, India,
(3) SVNIRTAR, Odisha, India,
(4) SVNIRTAR, Odisha, India,
(5) SVNIRTAR, Odisha, India,
(6) SVNIRTAR, Odisha, India


Purpose: To identify the role of environmental, cultural and accessibility factors in community reintegration and to assess how a healthcare team can provide complete rehabilitation to a client with knee osteoarthritis (OA).

Method: A 57-year-old woman with bilateral knee OA was assessed using the ICF core set for OA. The components identified were linked to ICF categorical profile and assessment sheet. ICF allowed the team to identify the global, service programme and cycle goals. The client’s clinical status was followed over a 4 month period.

Results: At 16 weeks, the client was able to walk faster and reported an increased ability to sit continuously, climb stairs and carry out her routine activities for a full day without increase in pain. Though she is satisfied with the outcome of the treatment, her engagement with public sphere continues to pose a problem in her attempts to reintegrate in to community. She is also concerned that her pace of doing activities has decreased within the household and outside world.

Conclusion: The social construct of disability needs to be emphasized more seriously for complete rehabilitation, failing which there may not be any success at the level of functioning.

Implications: This method of depicting the problems from both the client’s and health professionals’ perspective ensured that the process of goal setting is shared between the client and rehabilitation team. Some of the non-modifiable goals identified by the team revolved around environmental factors and social policy development. These factors have to be considered by policy makers to improve functioning of persons with OA at the community and society level.


Shankar Ganesh (Primary Contact)
Patitapaban Mohanty
Sakti Das
Rishee Patel
Ram Naresh Pandey
Ananya Satapathy
Author Biographies

Shankar Ganesh, Swami Vivekanand National Institute of Rehabilitation Training and Research (SVNIRTAR), Odisha

Mr. Shankar Ganesh is currently working as a Demonstrator in Physiotherapy, SVNIRTAR India. The focus of his work is orthopedic and adult neurological rehabilitation. He is an MPT (Master of Physiotherapy) with additional qualifications of FSS (Fellowship in Sports Sciences) & PGDPPHC (Post Graduate Diploma in Preventive and Promotive Health Care). Through his experience gained in field work by attending camps in remote parts of India and attending programs in the field of disability and rehabilitation, he feels the provision of rehabilitation services are fragmented and requires a more holistic approach. He underwent International Classification of Functioning (ICF) training in December 2013 and is convinced that ICF may hold a major role to play in the provision of bio-psychosocial rehabilitation for persons with disabilities.

Patitapaban Mohanty, SVNIRTAR, Odisha

Dr. Patitapaban Mohanty, MPT, PhD is having over 20 years of experience as a clinician, academician, researcher and manager. He holds the post of Associate Professor and heads the department of Physiotherapy, SVNIRTAR, India. He is the Editorial Board Member of two National level Physiotherapy Journals and a reviewer for international peer reviewed journals.

Sakti Das, SVNIRTAR, Odisha

Dr. Sakti Das heads the department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, SVNIRTAR, India. He has post graduate qualification in orthopedics and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. An eminent surgeon in the field of paediatric orthopedics. He is also an avid researcher.

Rishee Patel, SVNIRTAR, Odisha

Mr. Risheekumar Patel is a Physiotherapist with an expertise in physical diagnosis. A post graduate in neuro physiotherapy, he is keen in providing valuable perspective into patients’ life style and help them achieve optimal functioning. He is currently working as an Assistant professor in Physiotherapy in S. G. Patel Institute of physiotherapy, Gujarat.

Ram Naresh Pandey, SVNIRTAR, Odisha

Mr. Ram Naresh Pandey is an Occupational therapy graduate from MANIPAL University. He undertook his postgraduate education from SVNIRTAR, Cuttack, Orissa. He worked as an occupational therapist tutor at CMC, Vellore. He is the founding member of PAHAL, The Ultimate Rehabilitation center. He is interested in the vocational rehabilitation of persons with disabilities especially spinal cord and head injury. His expertise includes providing home and job modification, modifying architectural barriers, teaching and training of energy conservation and work simplification methods. 

Ananya Satapathy, SVNIRTAR, Odisha

Ananya Satapathy is a physiotherapist specializing in musculoskeletal stream and currently working in the National Institute for Orthopaedically Handicapped, Kolkata. She completed her BPT and MPT(musculoskeletal) from SVNIRTAR, Cuttack, Odisha. She has completed a short course on Advancing Management of Tendon Pathologies from Monash University, Australia. Her post graduate dissertation was on chronic low back pain and disability using ICF core set for low back pain. She teaches BPT and MPT students, covering broad topics including research and biostatistics and guides MPT students in their dissertation work.

Ganesh S, Mohanty P, Das S, Patel R, Pandey RN, Satapathy A. Multidisciplinary Management of Knee Osteoarthritis using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health. DCIDJ [Internet]. 2016 Feb. 29 [cited 2025 Mar. 15];26(4):155-69. Available from:

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