It's Our Convention: Use It or Lose It?

Peter Mittler (1)
(1) University of Manchester, United Kingdom


Unless action is taken now, at national and local levels, to ensure that the world’s one billion people with disabilities derive real and lasting benefits, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is in danger of being consigned to the graveyard of missed opportunities. Although many governments have signed and ratified the Convention, evidence of actual implementation is an immediate priority, especially in the midst of a global recession.

The scene is now set for governments to bring their policies into line with the principles and Articles of the Convention and to provide regular reports to the Disabled Persons’ Committee of the United Nations High Commission on Human Rights. Use of the internet can ensure that accountability is made public and includes the full participation of people with disabilities.

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Peter Mittler (Primary Contact)
Author Biography

Peter Mittler, University of Manchester

Emeritus Professor of Special Needs Education, University of Manchester and former President of Inclusion International and UN Consultant on disability and education.
United Kingdom

The author has recently published a memoir Thinking Globally Acting Locally: A Personal Journey (2010) ( and Amazon) and a selection of his published papers Overcoming Exclusion: Social Justice Through Education (2012). London and New York:  Routledge: World Library of Educationalists

Mittler P. It’s Our Convention: Use It or Lose It?. DCIDJ [Internet]. 2012 Aug. 16 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];23(2):7-21. Available from:

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