Searching for Jobs: The Experiences of Persons with Disabilities in the Komenda, Edina, Eguafo, Abirem Municipality of Ghana

Rebecca Tawiah (1), Wisdom Kwadwo Mprah (2), Isaac Owusu (3), Naomi Gyamfi (4), Godfred Atta-Osei (5), Theresah Ivy Mensah (6), Daniel Gyaase (7), Irene Okanta (8), Misbaw Wundow (9)
(1) Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana,
(2) KNUST, Ghana,
(3) KNUST, Ghana,
(4) University of New England, Australia,
(5) KNUST, Ghana,
(6) KNUST, Ghana,
(7) KNUST, Ghana,
(8) University of Leipzig, Germany,
(9) KNUST, Ghana


Purpose: The study investigated the job search experiences of persons with disabilities in the Komenda, Edina, Eguafo, Abirem Municipality in the central region of Ghana. It examined how attitude of employers influence the kinds of jobs persons with disabilities do and how these attitudes influence their future job search. It also examined major barriers to successful job search and placement and recommended measures to improve employability of persons with disabilities.
Methods: The study adopted descriptive and qualitative study design. Purposive sampling was used to select twenty participants who had ever searched for jobs. They included visually impaired, hearing impaired and people with physical disabilities. Data were collected through face-to-face interviews. Interviews were conducted in the local language, fante and recorded. The raw data was transcribed and translated from Fante to English, using the notes taken during interview and compared with information captured by the audio recorders. The transcribed data were grouped under various subthemes based on study objectives and analyzed thematically. Data were analyzed through thematic approach.
Results: Findings from the study revealed that attitudes of employers towards persons with disabilities who search for jobs were pitiful rather than considering them based on their professional qualification. This resulted in meager wages leading to them not being satisfied with their jobs. This attitude of employers according to participants deter them from searching for future jobs but will prefer self-established jobs. Inaccessible workplaces and access to information were also major barriers reported by participants.
Conclusion and Implications: It is recommended that stakeholders promote and intensify public education on disability and the need to respect all persons regardless of background. The working environment should also be made accessible to all people regardless of their disabilities to ensure an improved economic status and inclusive society.

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Rebecca Tawiah (Primary Contact)
Wisdom Kwadwo Mprah
Naomi Gyamfi
Godfred Atta-Osei
Theresah Ivy Mensah
Daniel Gyaase
Irene Okanta
Misbaw Wundow
Author Biography

Rebecca Tawiah, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology

Disability is not inability
Tawiah R, Mprah WK, Owusu I, Gyamfi N, Atta-Osei G, Mensah TI, Gyaase D, Okanta I, Wundow M. Searching for Jobs: The Experiences of Persons with Disabilities in the Komenda, Edina, Eguafo, Abirem Municipality of Ghana. DCIDJ [Internet]. 2023 Oct. 18 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];34(2):148-61. Available from:

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