Implementation of a Remote Control Application for Elderly People in Brazil: Analysis of the Factors Involved in the use of a Technological Innovation related to Telecare

Cristina Nieves Perdomo Delgado (1), Luis Carlos Paschoarelli (2)
(1) Paulista State University (UNESP), Brazil,
(2) Paulista State University (UNESP), Brazil


Purpose: The rapid ageing of the Brazilian population highlights the importance of new assistive technologies. The objective of this study was to analyse the positive and negative factors involved in the implementation of a Remote Care App for the elderly in Brazil.

Method: A qualitative method as been used, based on discussion groups involving 30 older Brazilian people who participated via a Telecare App.

Results: The results obtained highlight positive factors such as security, independence and personal tranquillity, and negative factors such as the privacy of the elderly, the social differences of Brazil, and the design and utility of the App.

Conclusion: Discourses on ageing at home using assistive technologies are cultural resources from which older people can make sense of their experience as users of Remote Care. It is also relevant information for the improvement of public policies aimed at caring for the elderly, by considering assistive technologies as factors for independent ageing.

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Cristina Nieves Perdomo Delgado (Primary Contact)
Luis Carlos Paschoarelli
Author Biographies

Cristina Nieves Perdomo Delgado, Paulista State University (UNESP)

The author is an occupational therapist and doctoral student at the São Paulo State University of Brazil. Her research interests are: Designing healthcare technologies, use of technologies for the elderly and telecare.

Luis Carlos Paschoarelli, Paulista State University (UNESP)

Luis Carlos is an Associate Professor at the Design Department of UNESP. He studied Industrial Design from UNESP. He is a co-leader of the Ergonomic Design Research Group and has undertaken research projects on egronomic design intervention, methodologies for evaluation of manual instruments and design of equipment for the rehabilitation of people with specific abilities.
Perdomo Delgado CN, Paschoarelli LC. Implementation of a Remote Control Application for Elderly People in Brazil: Analysis of the Factors Involved in the use of a Technological Innovation related to Telecare. DCIDJ [Internet]. 2020 Nov. 4 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];31(2):148-56. Available from:

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