A Bibliometric Review of Executive Function as Cognitive Endophenotypes in Parents of Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Kamlam Gopalkrishnan Iyer (1), Venkatesan Srinivasan (2)
(1) Department of Studies in Psychology, University of Mysore, Mysore, India,
(2) Head of Clinical Psychology Department, All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Manasagangotri, Mysore, India


Purpose: The main aim of this study was to review whether first-degree relatives (parents) and their children with neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD) are cognitive endophenotypes in executive functioning.

Method: A survey design was employed from May 2018 to January 2019, using an online and offline database of national and international ISSN Journals and ISBN books.

Results: A bibliometric analysis was conducted on 19 of the 63 reviewed studies. A PRISMA Flow diagram and Harvest Plot have been used to depict the results of the analysis

Conclusion and Implications: Delineation of executive functions (EF) as cognitive endophenotypes of NDD is, first of all, useful in exploring the genetic basis of these disorders; secondly, for identifying which cognitive traits may be important to it; and thirdly, to initiate and promote better educational practices and cognitive remediation. With a disclaimer that this analysis is only as inclusive as possible in the field of endophenotypes in NDD, limitations in the various studies have been identified, along with future suggestions for research.

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Kamlam Gopalkrishnan Iyer
Iyerkamlam@gmail.com (Primary Contact)
Venkatesan Srinivasan
Author Biographies

Kamlam Gopalkrishnan Iyer, Department of Studies in Psychology, University of Mysore, Mysore

Iyer Kamlam Gopalkrishnan is completing her PhD research in Developmental Neuropsychology from the University of Mysore, India, with an interest and focus on assessment and cognitive training related to the population of children with neurodevelopmental disorders and their families. Furthermore, she intends to utilize the latest statistical and digital techniques for pursuing research along the same domains.

Venkatesan Srinivasan, Head of Clinical Psychology Department, All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Manasagangotri, Mysore

Prof. Dr. Srinivasan Venkatesan is heading the Department of Clinical Psychology at All India Institute of Speech and Hearing in Mysore, India for the past 20 years. His main focus and interest lie in interventional assessments and therapeutic methods for the population of children and adolescents with disabilities and disorders. He has authored several books and publications, apart from guiding PhD scholars on these topics.
Iyer KG, Srinivasan V. A Bibliometric Review of Executive Function as Cognitive Endophenotypes in Parents of Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders. DCIDJ [Internet]. 2020 Nov. 4 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];31(2):92-113. Available from: https://dcidj.uog.edu.et/index.php/up-j-dcbrid/article/view/371

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