Physical Activity of the Community- Dwelling Elderly Population in Gujarat, India: A Cross-Sectional Study

Samira Sirajulhak Patel (1), Nalina Gupta (2), Lata Parmar (3)
(1) College of Physiotherapy, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth Deemed to be University, Vadodara, Gujarat, India,
(2) College of Physiotherapy, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth Deemed to be University, Vadodara, Gujarat, India,
(3) College of Physiotherapy, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth Deemed to be University, Gujarat, India


Purpose: While ageing is an inevitable phenomenon of life, physical activity is important for healthy ageing. Compared to the other age groups, older adults throughout the world have the lowest rate of participation in recommended levels of physical activity. This study aimed to investigate the physical activity status of the community-dwelling elderly population in Gujarat, India.

Method: This was a cross-sectional study. A door-to-door survey was conducted among selected communities near Vadodara in Gujarat. Based on the inclusion criteria (age≥60years, MMSE-≥24), 347 elderly persons were included in the study. Data was collected using the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ), and analysed using descriptive statistics.

Results: Among the 347 older adults (mean age 67.43±7.46 years) who participated in the study, 159 were male and 188 were female. While 125 participants (36%) were physically active at levels recommended by the World Health Organisation, 222(64%) were physically inactive.

Conclusion: Only 36% of the participants were physically active as per WHO recommendations. The men were more physically active than the women in the study sample. This study implies that there is a need to create an awareness regarding the importance of physical activity for healthy aging.

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Samira Sirajulhak Patel
Nalina Gupta (Primary Contact)
Lata Parmar
Author Biographies

Samira Sirajulhak Patel, College of Physiotherapy, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth Deemed to be University, Vadodara, Gujarat

Samira Sirajulhak Patel is specialized in the field of community physiotherapy. Her areas of interest are geriatric physiotherapy and women's health. As part of her post-graduation she was engaged in understanding physical activity of elderly population in the community, their perceptions and barriers.

Nalina Gupta, College of Physiotherapy, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth Deemed to be University, Vadodara, Gujarat

Dr. Nalina Gupta works as an Associate Professor at College of Physiotherapy, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth Deemed to be University. She has 14 years of teaching, research and clinical experience in the field of physiotherapy (specialized in neurosciences). She has published in many peer-reviewed national and international journals.

Lata Parmar, College of Physiotherapy, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth Deemed to be University, Gujarat

Dr. Lata Parmar is a Principal & Professor in the College of Physiotherapy of Sumandeep Vidyapeeth Deemed-to-be-University. She has more than 40 years of clinical, teaching and research experience in the field of physiotherapy. She has written in many peer-reviewed national and international journals.
Patel SS, Gupta N, Parmar L. Physical Activity of the Community- Dwelling Elderly Population in Gujarat, India: A Cross-Sectional Study. DCIDJ [Internet]. 2020 Nov. 4 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];31(2):21-32. Available from:

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