Barriers to Healthcare Services for People with Disabilities in Developing Countries: A Literature Review

Judith Baart (1), Florence Taaka (2)
(1) Light for the World, Netherlands,
(2) Light for the World, Netherlands


Purpose: This literature review aimed to identify the main barriers in access to mainstream healthcare services for people with disabilities.

Method: Online databases were searched for relevant articles published after 2006.  Preference was given to articles pertaining to developing countries. On the basis of pre-determined inclusion and exclusion criteria, 16 articles were selected for the review. Barriers noted in the articles were grouped thematically.

Results: There appeared to be 7 main barriers - 4 related to the demand side i.e., pertaining to the individual seeking healthcare services, and 3 barriers on the supply side i.e., pertaining to healthcare provision. These are: 1) Lack of information; 2) Additional costs of healthcare; 3) Limited mobility; and, on the demand side, 4) Stigmatisation; while on the supply side, 5) Staff attitude; 6) Communication barriers; and, 7) Inaccessible facilities.

Conclusion: To ensure that people with disabilities can successfully access the necessary health services, the barriers on the demand side (the individuals requiring healthcare) as well as the barriers that are part of the healthcare system, should be attended to.

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Judith Baart (Primary Contact)
Florence Taaka
Author Biographies

Judith Baart, Light for the World

Judith Baart is Research and Documentation Specialist at Light for the World. She holds a Masters degree in International Development from Wageningen University and Research, as well as an Advanced Masters International Development from Radboud University Nijmegen. She has been working in the disability rights sector since 2013.

Florence Taaka, Light for the World

Florence Taaka is specialist in both development cooperation and humanitarian assistance and programming. She holds a MSc. in Development and Rural Innovation from Wageningen University, The Netherlands; a Post Graduate Diploma in Project Planning and Management and a Bachelor of Adult and Community Education from Makerere university, Kampala Uganda. She currently works on disability rights issues, supporting both research and programmes.

Baart J, Taaka F. Barriers to Healthcare Services for People with Disabilities in Developing Countries: A Literature Review. DCIDJ [Internet]. 2018 Mar. 16 [cited 2025 Feb. 14];28(4):26-40. Available from:

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