Caregiver’s Involvement in Early Intervention for Children with Communication Disorders


  • G Malar All India Institute of Speech & Hearing, Mysore, Karnataka
  • N Sreedevi All India Institute of Speech & Hearing, Mysore, Karnataka
  • CB Suresh All India Institute of Speech & Hearing, Mysore, Karnataka



Caregiver, empowerment, parental participation


Purpose: Since very young people benefit from early identification of communication disorders, the primary caregivers (generally the parents) become the fulcrum of the intervention services provided. This article studied the measures taken to empower caregivers, as part of the early intervention services offered at the All India Institute of Speech & Hearing (AIISH) in Mysore city in India, and the impact this has had on their wards’ progress.

Method: A survey was conducted among the caregivers of 205 clients who availed of early intervention services. Five-pronged data was collected, pertaining to family demographic details, early intervention measures for their children with communication disorders, type and intensity of caregiver empowerment measures provided along with early intervention services, resultant caregiver participation in the education and training of their wards, and the consequent development in children with communication disorders. The mutual influences among these factors were analysed using simple correlation measures.

Results: The findings revealed that informal, but continuous and consistent efforts to empower parents, such as counselling and guidance, had a better impact. Empowered caregivers in turn contributed towards the education and training of their children with communication disorders, resulting in improved development of their wards’ communication skills and academic achievements.

Conclusion: The evidence adds strength to recommendations that caregiver empowerment and participation need to become integral components of early intervention services for young children with special needs.

Author Biographies

G Malar, All India Institute of Speech & Hearing, Mysore, Karnataka

The author works as Reader in Special Education at AIISH.  He has over two decades of work experience including 13 years in higher education and eight years in active research.  His areas of research interest include strategies for promoting inclusive education, educational assessment and caregiver empowerment for education of children with special needs.



N Sreedevi, All India Institute of Speech & Hearing, Mysore, Karnataka

The author is a Reader in Speech Sciences and currently Head of the Department (Clinical Services) at AIISH. She received her doctorate in Speech and Hearing, and has over two decades of work experience in clinical and higher education spheres.  Her research interests include inclusive acoustic phonetics, phonological and voice disorders, and education of children with communication disorders.


CB Suresh, All India Institute of Speech & Hearing, Mysore, Karnataka

Author works as Special Educator at AIISH and has 10 years of experience in the field of education of children with communication disorders.  Interested in areas of preschool education, training in performing arts and inclusive education of children with communication disorders.  Is also an active member of National Convention of Educators of the Deaf.






How to Cite

Malar G, Sreedevi N, Suresh C. Caregiver’s Involvement in Early Intervention for Children with Communication Disorders. DCIDJ [Internet]. 2014 Feb. 13 [cited 2024 Sep. 8];24(4):43-56. Available from:



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